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Future of Business Summit

150 executives and change leaders came together at the Future Business Summit, hosted by Sullivan & Stanley.

The Role of a Sponsor

The Change Society came together last week to discuss the role of an executive sponsor and how to truly enhance project outcomes, led by S&S associate Jon Kandiah - Scale Up Strategist.

Agile CxO Breakfast

The Agile CxO Roundtable is a peer platform for Change Leaders to discuss their experiences of Transformation.

November 11, 2018

CxO Dinner

February 21, 2018

A focused dinner workshop on transforming the enterprise through new ways of working. All CxO's gave fantastic feedback on the value they've now taken back to their respective businesses and careers.

Book Night

September 20, 2017

Christian McMahon and Pat Lynes wished up a project to collate a series of stories from CIOs and turn it into a book for the CIO/CTO/CDO community. Incredibly in just 3 months from the time of inception, this became a reality, with the book becoming an Amazon #1 bestseller.

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CxO Society is a global leadership movement. It's an online/offline experience with the offline space including a variety of meetups and
co-created projects.

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